Restarting laundromats after the closing of the winter period

The new tourist period for the seasonal hotels will start and soon linen warehouses and laundromats will restart their opening preparations. In these unique conditions that we live many hotels will remain closed for a large period without their laundry facilities.

Due to this inaction, the restart of the laundromats will require great caution due to the possible danger of the first washes damaging the cloths.

This happens because there are materials that due to lack of use accumulate in the piping. These materials could be dirt, salts or rust that could have been created in the circuits of water. Furthermore, in many places on the machines rust or mold could be created.

In the first washes these materials break and travel with the water and can create problems in your cloths such as stains and colouring in yellow or red shades could even be permanent.

For this reason, be cautious specifically during the restarting of your laundries. Ask from your technicians to inspect all your systems to avoid possible damages. The first two - three washes after the opening of the laundromats will need to be with old cloths or washcloths in order to wash all piping from the materials that have accumulated in your system. Begin your regular washes when you are sure that there are no stains and colouring in your washes to ensure that you always have an excellent result.



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